Homeless ServicesThe City of Pomona plans, coordinates and organizes strategies to assist the City's homeless population in collaboration with other public and private organizations.

The Homeless Programs Supervisor oversees the services provided to assist the homeless in the City. Responsibilities include the development of Pomona's Continuum of Care Plan, the implementation of the Homeless Response Program, and the administration of the Emergency Solutions and Supporting Housing Program grants. The Homeless Programs Supervisor also serves as a liaison for homeless issues at the local, regional, county and state levels.

The County of Los Angeles through Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) has the primary responsibility for providing regional homeless services. The City of Pomona provides the above additional services to assist the homeless community within the City.

The City of Pomona's Continuum of Care is organized to deliver housing and services to meet the specific needs of people who are homeless within our community. By calculating the need, identifying the existing resources and prioritizing identified gaps we strategically address the issue of homelessness.

Through funding sources such as Measure H, State HEAP, Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG), Supportive Housing Program (SHP), Continuum of Care Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Program, the Section 8 Program and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG); emergency, transitional, and permanent forms of housing have been supported. Although not a complete solution, these programs, combined with services and other sources of funding, bring us closer to the goal of a seamless and comprehensive system of care for the homeless. 

Continuum of Care Permanent Supportive Housing Program

The Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Program provides permanent housing (rental assistance) in connection with supportive services to homeless individuals with disabilities and their families. The PSH Program works with outside agencies (sponsors) who provide the supportive services to qualified participants.

Who is the primary target population?

Homeless persons who:

  • Have a serious mental illness or physical illness or impairment; and/or
  • Substance use disorder; and/or
  • Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or related diseases; and/or
  • Developmental disability

To assist PSH participants to:

  • Obtain permanent housing
  • Increase skills or income
  • Obtain greater self-determination

Pomona Homeless Strategic Plan

Pomona Homeless Strategic Plan

The Enhanced Strategic Plan provides an opportunity to revisit the planning efforts of the City to combat homelessness. The input of those with lived experience, the creation of new strategies that align with current resources and realities, and the opportunity to solicit feedback, all build on the City's existing efforts to help the most vulnerable among our community - find "A Way Home."

The Pomona Homeless Outreach Program

The Pomona Homeless Outreach Program consists of a mobile Outreach Team, including outreach staff from the City of Pomona Homeless Programs Team and outreach professionals from the following agencies: Volunteers of America (Pomona), Tri-City Mental Health Services, East Valley Community Health Center, Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority Pomona Outreach Team, and the Pomona Police Department Quality of Life Teams. 

The Teams provide street outreach by vehicle and by foot. Street Outreach, Case management, and referrals are provided to homeless families and individuals through this program. Homeless residents are provided guidance in the identification of barriers to overcoming homelessness and the development of a plan to address these challenges. The Teams then assist clients at a highly supportive level to address those needs, including accessing mainstream services, increasing income, developing self-determination, and accessing shelter and housing. 

The Pomona Continuum of Care Coalition

Established in 1999, the Pomona Continuum of Care Coalition provides a means for stakeholders to work together to address homelessness issues in the City of Pomona. The Coalition comprises over 40 agencies including service providers, advocates, faith-based organizations, local government representatives, county departments, and homeless and formerly homeless people and concerned citizens. The Coalition shares information maximizes resources, and minimizes duplication of effort. The result of this collaborative effort is that those at-risk from becoming homeless are provided the support they need to remain housed and that persons and families that are homeless are provided with an accessible system of services that supports movement from homelessness to stability. 

Pomona Homeless Strategic Plan


For more information about the PCOCC  or to receive meeting information, please contact:

Donyielle Holley

Homeless Programs Supervisor

City of Pomona

